Artwork recreation played a vital role in design for in-house projects at Ebbets. Many custom projects for individuals involved accurate illustration, sizing, and execution of jerseys and caps based on old photographs. This skill was developed over years for both Ebbets projects and for custom order clients.

The New York Islanders.
The team approached us for multiple collaborations, and after the first which implemented some original designs and existing logos, we decided to take inspiration from vintage merch of the championship era. I also referenced NYC-specific imagery like subway tiles and tokens, and included an illustration of the Statue of Liberty lifting the Stanley Cup.
The team approached us for multiple collaborations, and after the first which implemented some original designs and existing logos, we decided to take inspiration from vintage merch of the championship era. I also referenced NYC-specific imagery like subway tiles and tokens, and included an illustration of the Statue of Liberty lifting the Stanley Cup.

Portugal. The Man Jackets.
Portland band Portugal. The Man, consistent collaborators on ball caps, wanted custom jackets for upcoming performances and awards shows, including at the AMA awards. This design plays on “The Lords of Flatbush” promotional materials and the famous stag sign.

Notre Dame.
This set of eventually licensed and sold apparel was created as a part of a larger project for FLC, involving redrawing and vectorizing 5-6 garments each for nearly a dozen schools.

Jerry Garcia

NASA x Golf Wang

GH Bass

Urban Outfitters (vectorizing student designs)

Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Special Request


Columbia University

Georgia Teech

Harvard University


Ole Miss


Penn State
